Cross-Reference Library

Pharmetric Laboratory recommends performing a USP 71 Method Suitability Test with the six organisms listed therein. This one time test is required if we cannot reference data via the Pharmetric Cross Reference Library. Once passing data has been confirmed, either through a full test or a Cross Reference, it is not necessary to perform the test again unless the formula changes or your batch size increase from the original.


Cross-Reference Library

Method Suitability Cross Reference Library; Ordering Instructions

  • On the Order Page select Method Suitability Cross Reference
  • You will be directed to another page where you will see a drop-down box with numerous items presently in our Library. Select the medications you hope to cross, one at a time.
  • On same page upload your medication formulation for the Library item you hope to cross reference. We cannot perform a cross Reference without your Rx. Your Rx will be seen by no one other than Pharmetric personnel and will not be on the website.
  • Please make sure to include maximum Batch size per medication.
  • Factors we consider when comparing medications; Batch size in total mls; Formulation; Strength of Components in Formulation.
  • You will receive a Certificate which will state if a Cross Reference for your submitted formula is available or not. If there is one available your Certificate will contain a Code which will reflect the original Rx on file in the Pharmetric Library and you will not need to perform a full Method Suitability test. If not, we recommend you consider performing a full test on your medication.
  • If a Cross does not exist in our Library you will be credited the cost of the search towards a full Method Suitability test.

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